Thursday, September 1, 2016


Happy new month guys!

Thank God for bringing us to September 2016. Fast isn't it?

I decided to start a monthly recap on the blog sharing my favourites in the past month, lessons all other little things. I hope you enjoy this new section. Let’s get to it.

·       I invested some money into buying some money into buying hair extensions to gain extra cash in school.
·       I finally bought a tripod. (You don’t want to know about my handmade tripod).
·       Mom gave me a 2016 year planner. (I know its kind of late to be getting a 2016 year planner but it is a good start towards organizing my life).
I am hoping and working towards greater achievements in September.

“It doesn't make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.”- Steve Jobs

I travelled to Nigeria in august and stayed home for half of august.
I also travelled to Benin Republic for my older brother’s convocation in a night bus and it was my first time travelling in a night bus. I vlogged my experiences. If you haven’t watched it, then you should and don’t forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

I also travelled back to China. It was a very stressful journey and I had 15 hours transit at Ataturk international airport, Istanbul.

Currently have 72 subscribers.
I am working on improving my channel with some new tips I learnt.
Never miss an upload. Subscribe if you haven’t.

I made a post here about 10 books I was reading that can change your life for good. To be honest guys, I wasn’t able to read all. I read only one. *embarrassed face.
·       Good leaders ask great questions by John C. Maxwell.
Also reading my Bible more often and hope to create a special connection with God for without him I am nothing.

August was good month I received a wish bone chain as a friendship chain from a friend whom I never thought I meant that much to. Thank you Ezra!

·       To be more consistent on my blog and YouTube channel.
·       To develop an everyday study habit.
·       To move into an apartment.
·       To eat more of self cooked food than buying food outside. (It saves money and reduces the risks of getting sick from eating unhealthy and unclean food.)

           How was your august?
       Any special goals and plans for September?
What do you think about the monthly recap?
Is there anything you want me to add to the recap?

              Drop your comments!

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  1. Blogging and studying a demanding course like Medicine is not easy. Keep it up! But we surely understand if time and the demands of your studies don't permit you to keep us posted with your beautiful articles.
    Wishing you the best in your endeavors.

    1. Thank you. I do my best to balance both school and blogging.
