It is all
about exams and cold but let’s pause for a second and slay! I really love this
formal male style which was styled by sir_kay. I feel like a country girl and I love it. It was all unplanned until my boots
arrived in the mail and he said “I know
what will just be perfect on you”. I
really love the striped pants and oh! The suspenders, I love it.
Long time no style post. It’s beginning to get cold by weeks
here in china and winter is slowly creeping in. But before it does and we begin
to wear hefty winter jackets and snow boots, let’s enjoy the best season of the
year. Autumn!
It was just a normal day of the exam week and I am wearing a
knitted sweater given to me by Ezra. Once again thank you Ezra.
I felt I needed to wear a big accessory on my neck to bring out my style so I decided you rock my scarf.
I love the colour, the zips on the sleeves and how warm it
keeps me in this season.
I have to say this is my first official handbag because I have
always been a school bag kind of girl but I am gradually getting into the
handbag style.
I really love the design on the hand.
My hat! Actually not my hat but I was just holding it for
kosy while he set up the camera because it was very windy.
Its October already, we
thank God for life. I know this is coming a bit late, I fell ill but I am
strong now in Jesus name. (Amen)
In September, there were
good times and bad times as usual. I was diagnosed with an ailment, still
praying to God for divine healing. I have always loved Art but last month I drew
my 2nd cartoon Character which I’ll blog about soon. I had a lot of opportunities to make Chinese friends this past month, I met a lot of them and I don't know who to choose. It's good I am getting out there and meeting new people.
·I started a study group and it is more beneficial than I
thought. I am understanding a lot more of wh.
·I finally created a Channel art for my YouTube channel.
I am hoping and working
towards greater achievements in October.
“If you get tired learn to rest, not to quit.”- Random
Currently have 84
I made a Medical student
tag video which simply involved me answering questions about my life in medical
school and I also recommended the video to other medical school youtubers so
they can also share their experiences about med school.
Never miss an upload.
Subscribe if you haven’t.
“Rome sweet home! Our
journey to Catholicism.” By Scott & Kimberly Hahn. This book was given to
me by one of my family priest to help me understand my catholic faith better.
·To score over 90 in my mid exams coming up.
·To have over 250 YouTube subscribers. If you haven’t subscribed,
you can do that HERE
·Draw more cartoon
How was your September?
Any special goals and plans for October?
Drop your comments!
Never miss a post!
Subscribe to my email list above.
One way or the other this Buhari season is affecting us. I am
really lucky to be in china and most especially my city because the cost of
living is low and student friendly.
In this period of “Buharia” I have reduced
my spending to match the Nigerian economy but I am still able to eat good food when
I go out at a low price and I am so glad.
I may not be able to particularly tell you the content of my
plate but it was a good meal.
I think this food is decent enough for a date and at a price
of about 700 Naira, 15 Chinese Yuan.
In my August month recap here I stated out some goals for September
which involved reducing the rate at which I eat out and I am really achieving
that. This food was eaten in August so I am safe. I hope our economy gets better and I will continue to pray for Nigeria.
Do you think this meal is decent enough for a
What can 700 Naira buy you on a date in Nigeria
right now?
Thank God for bringing us to September 2016. Fast isn't it?
I decided to start a monthly recap on the blog sharing my
favourites in the past month, lessons all other little things. I hope you enjoy
this new section. Let’s get to it.
·I invested
some money into buying some money into buying hair extensions to gain extra
cash in school.
·I finally
bought a tripod. (You don’t want to know about my handmade tripod).
·Mom gave
me a 2016 year planner. (I know its kind of late to be getting a 2016 year
planner but it is a good start towards organizing my life).
I am hoping and working towards
greater achievements in September.
“It doesn't make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do; we hire smart people
so they can tell us what to do.”- Steve Jobs
I travelled to Nigeria in august and stayed home for half of
I also travelled to Benin Republic for my older brother’s convocation
in a night bus and it was my first time travelling in a night bus. I vlogged my
experiences. If you haven’t watched it, then you should and don’t forget to
give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my YouTube channel.
I also travelled back to China. It was a very stressful
journey and I had 15 hours transit at Ataturk international airport, Istanbul.
have 72 subscribers.
I am
working on improving my channel with some new tips I learnt.
Never miss
an upload. Subscribe if you haven’t.
I made a
post here about 10 books I was reading that can change your life for good. To be
honest guys, I wasn’t able to read all. I read only one. *embarrassed face.
·Good leaders ask
great questions by John C. Maxwell.
reading my Bible more often and hope to create a special connection with God
for without him I am nothing.
was good month I received a wish bone chain as a friendship chain from a friend
whom I never thought I meant that much to. Thank you Ezra!
·To be
more consistent on my blog and YouTube channel.
develop an everyday study habit.
·To move
into an apartment.
·To eat
more of self cooked food than buying food outside. (It saves money and reduces
the risks of getting sick from eating unhealthy and unclean food.)
How was your august?
Any special goals and plans for September?
What do you think about the monthly recap?
Is there anything you want me to add to the recap?
Drop your comments!
Never miss a post! Subscribe
to my email list above.
Before a new
school year or semester begins we always have new semester resolutions that
most of start breaking on the first day of school.
We want to
start studying from the first day school, want to create a study timetable and
follow it and want to stop waiting till exam period before we start studying
and many more resolutions. I am guilty of all these. But what really stops us
from doing these?
Where does
the motivation go when school actually begins?
It is the 2nd
week of school and I am already getting sleepy in class, getting bored and
easily distracted. I know it’s too early.
You would
say as a medical student I need to be active, study very often, listen in
class. But we all have this moment right? Or am I alone?
I cannot blame
the weather or my teachers because I know the problem is from me. Blaming
anyone or anything is just looking for excuses.
Do you have
any advice for me during these unmotivated times?
Do you also
have times like this in school? If yes how did you handle these times?
interact and find ways to get rid of this laziness.
I hope you
are doing well. I have always loved motivating people and help improve the
lives of people and myself so I went to my father’s library and selected 17
books which I would love to read before my holiday is over. I screened the books to a more realistic
number so it is now 10 books.
I selected
these books based on Good content, easiness to read, Good Font. I also screened
these books on their ability to relate with the reader.
Three of these books are
written by John C. Maxwell and one with a foreword by him. His books have very high ability to relate
and maintain a communication with the reader and so do the other books. These books also contain quality questions for
its readers to stimulate creative thinking amongst them.
If there is
any of these books you would like me to give a detailed review of, please leave
the name of the book in the comment section and I will gladly do.
I have selected
3 books on
Public speaking
3 books on
2 books on
starting up a Business
2 books on
team work.
We should
always desire to improve ourselves anyway we can.
Don’t forget
to like my face book page Teenah’s lounge and follow my other social media.
Are there
any book recommendations you have for me? Leave their names in the comment
It’s your
girl reporting from Nigeria. I featured in my school advert and I was very excited
about this. It feels good to be recognized as one of the faces of your school. Although
I had to leave for Nigeria early so I couldn’t stay till the end. When the
advert is ready, I will post it on my YouTube channel if I can so you better
It is that time of the year again. “Exam period” If you have
already written your finals then you can use this to prepare for your next
examinations but if you are still preparing like me, I hope these help you.
These are my basic tips for preparing for my exams.
what reading method works for you and stick with it. Some people understand better
in a quiet place, some by taking notes, some by being asked questions and
various other ways.
vCreate a
detailed study timetable and stick to it. When making the time table, include
all your minor daily activities like laundry, meals, shopping etc. Everything
should be scheduled so you have enough time to study without distractions.
vA lot of
us complain about lacking motivation to study. I advice you study with friends
sometimes. Not just any friend but the type that are willing to learn so they
can drag you up on your lazy days.
others. Be willing to teach others what you have already studied. It helps you
understand better and can also be corrected if you are wrong or if you left out
a point.
vDon’t be
over confident. If you don’t study, you won’t pass. Study in details, don’t try
to predict the questions and only choose a part to study. Always remember that
while you are sleeping, other people are studying.
If these were useful to you, be sure to leave a comment and
share with others.
Growing up in a Christian home, I often
heard my mum say “bless you” after sneezing. I realized nothing was said after
coughing or burping but only sneezing. Some days ago I was in physiology
experiment class and the teacher sneezed. A student quickly replied “bless you”.
This teacher was obviously Chinese and for a
moment I wondered if he understood why she said “bless you”. Right then I realized
I didn't know what that phrase really meant and why it was said after sneezing.
We now know
that sneezing is a reflex action and is most often the sign of something
relatively benign, such as acoldorallergy.
A sneeze also can be provoked by being outside in thesunlightor fromsmellinga strong odour. Still, we persist in
the custom of saying "bless you" mainly out of habit and common
Some cultures have similar response to
sneezes, believing that a sneeze could signal ill health: they might say, “Salud” (Spanish for “health”) or “Gesundheit” (German for “health”) or “Sláinte” (Irish Gaelic for “good health”) or “Jeebo” (Bengali for “stay alive”).
For the most
part, the various sneeze responses originated from ancient superstitions. Some
people believed that a sneeze causes the soul to escape the body through the
nose. Saying "bless you" would stop the devil from claiming the
person's freed soul.
Others believed the opposite: that evil spirits use the
sneeze as an opportunity to enter a person's body. There was also the
misconception that theheartmomentarily stops during a sneeze (it
doesn't), and that saying "bless you" was a way of welcoming the
person back to life.
The Romans
would say "Jupiter preserve you" or "Salve," which meant
"good health to you," and the Greeks would wish each other "long
The phrase "God bless you" is attributed toPope
Gregory the Great, who uttered it in the sixth century during a bubonicplagueepidemic which sneezing was an obvious
symptom of one form of the plague.
is a legend/tradition that Pope Gregory I commanded that, any time a sneeze was
heard, the sneezer was to be blessed by saying, “God bless you,” (and making
the sign of the cross over his mouth) as protection against the plague.
Finally, there is no biblical validity to such
superstition. At the same time, there is no biblical reason to believe it is
sinful to bless someone after a sneeze—in fact, it might just be a good time to
extend a kind word and say, “God bless you.”
Interesting facts about sneezing:
are an automatic reflex that can’t be stopped once sneezing starts.
can travel at a speed of 100 miles per hour and the wet spray can radiate
five feet.
don’t sneeze when they are asleep because the nerves involved in nerve
reflex are also resting.
18 and 35% of the population sneezes when exposed to sudden bright light.
people sneeze when plucking their eyebrows because the nerve endings in
the face are irritated and then fire an impulse that reaches the nasal
Griffiths from Worcestershire, England sneezed for 978 days, sneezing once
every minute at the beginning. This is the longest sneezing episode on