Saturday, June 25, 2016


Hello lovelies!

It is that time of the year again. “Exam period” If you have already written your finals then you can use this to prepare for your next examinations but if you are still preparing like me, I hope these help you. These are my basic tips for preparing for my exams.

v Know what reading method works for you and stick with it. Some people understand better in a quiet place, some by taking notes, some by being asked questions and various other ways.

v Create a detailed study timetable and stick to it. When making the time table, include all your minor daily activities like laundry, meals, shopping etc. Everything should be scheduled so you have enough time to study without distractions.

v A lot of us complain about lacking motivation to study. I advice you study with friends sometimes. Not just any friend but the type that are willing to learn so they can drag you up on your lazy days. 

v Teach others. Be willing to teach others what you have already studied. It helps you understand better and can also be corrected if you are wrong or if you left out a point.

vDon’t be over confident. If you don’t study, you won’t pass. Study in details, don’t try to predict the questions and only choose a part to study. Always remember that while you are sleeping, other people are studying.

If these were useful to you, be sure to leave a comment and share with others.

Thanks for reading.


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