Hope you all
are awesome. I made a post earlier YOU CAN DO MORE THAN YOU THINK. I wrote about how I was able to
run a 3000 meters race during my practice.
The sports event was 20/05/2016 it
is called sport meeting. College of international education competes against
the Chinese students. I ran my 3000 meters race and a 10 boys 10 girls relay
race whereby a boy runs 300 meters and passes the baton to girl to run 100 and
she passes to the next boy. They were both awesome races which we finished
second place.
At the end
of the program, the college of international education finished second place
overall out of 11 school teams which was better that last year that was sixth
I have really
been craving pasta I had to go treat myself to it. I sat in a wet taxi which dirtied
my pants but luckily I had my veil to tie around my waist.
On our way
the 7th floor, we saw a group of Chinese gathered and decided to
check it out. There was a kissing completion going on. 20th May when
translated to Chinese is like their valentine’s day.
The host of the show saw
foreigners and was inviting us to join the kissing competition. We just ran
In summary,
it was a very awesome day I am really happy I participated in the sports
meeting and a big thank you to my bestie that pushed me to participate.
They school
plans to organize a dinner and an award ceremony for us, I’ll keep you all
updated about that.
As some of you know, I am contesting for Miss
African union in my school which is on 25th may. I’ll keep you all
updated about that too so subscribe to my Email list to be updated about my
Photo Credit; I.G - sir_kay
Thanks for reading.
of Love
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